1998 Vietnamese Zodiac - Earth Tiger
1998 Vietnamese Zodiac - Earth Tiger
What is the zodiac sign of a tiger in 1998?
According to the Oriental zodiac, 1998 is the Year of the Tiger, and according to the Oriental five elements belong to earth. Therefore, people born in 1998 in the zodiac year are ground tigers.
Since the zodiac is calculated according to the lunar calendar, the earth tiger is born from January 28, 1998 to February 15, 1999, and the person born from January 1, 1998 to January 27, 1998 is a fire box.
Lucky Signs for 1998 Earth Tiger
- Lucky Numbers: 3, 9
- Lucky Colors: green, blue, golden yellow
2023 Horoscope for Tiger People Born in 1998
Tigers born in 1998 have unsatisfactory fortunes. In 2023, the year of birth, life will undergo many changes. This year, most of them have officially started working, and their careers are in the first stage of development. If you can't find your direction and goals for a while, or even encounter setbacks, you will inevitably feel confused and frustrated. ( Tu vi 2023 - phongthuyso.vn )
In order to relieve excessive psychological pressure, they need to adjust their mentality, listen more and learn more, and gradually accumulate work experience. The most important thing is to establish a correct view of career choice. Don't aim too high, and don't change jobs too often. Even in an ordinary position, you must take your work seriously so that you can become more and more efficient in the future.
Only by being successful at work can they win the approval of their bosses. However, don't be too proud and arrogant after being praised. Otherwise, others may be jealous or even slander them. Economically, they can gradually achieve economic independence. You need to establish the concept of thrift and rational consumption
In terms of love and relationships, single Tigers may meet the right person in the office and get to know each other deeply. However, this year, campus couples may face the test of graduation breakup or long-distance relationship. You need trust, sincerity and mutual understanding to overcome a crisis.
In 2023, the health fortune is not good. You must be careful of metal injury. Pay special attention to road safety while driving. Tigers are advised to work hard, take the initiative to deal with challenges and difficulties, and resolve crises as soon as possible
2023 Horoscope for Tiger People Born in 1998
They feel comfortable in the company and even look down on their colleagues, which makes them unpopular. In the long run, they will be frustrated. Learn to be humble, keep reading reference books and learn new skills to really improve your skills. Don't spend lavishly, and their salaries won't go up much in 2023. Relationships with friends won't progress much, but will stabilize. Remember special days and surprise each other from time to time. Fortunately, she is in good health, although she has a minor ailment like a cold.
Personality traits of the 1998 Zodiac Earth Tiger
Tiger people born in 1998 are kind, helpful and generous, and they are completely trustworthy friends. You are bright, confident, ambitious, and entrepreneurial.
However, most of them are short-tempered, violent and moody. Their desire is so strong, it can even be said to be greedy. They are too proud to take care of their partners.
Sagittarians often want to be successful at work. They give their best in their field and always give 100% in their work. The most important opportunity in your life may come in middle age, and it's up to you to grab it and do your best to make the most of it. If they are used well, they are sure to succeed.
People born in 1998 have a strong ability to make money and are good at saving money. Therefore, they can make a fortune at an early age. Don't be greedy and don't take money too seriously. Having enough funds to do some charity can improve their future happiness.
Love and relationships
Land tigers are born with beautiful looks, so they are very popular with the opposite sex when they are young. You can meet your soul mate for life, but you need to spend more time with your lover. In addition, you must be loyal to your lover and keep a good distance from the opposite sex. ( Xem boi tinh yeu )
Earth Tigers born in 1998 have liked to participate in entertainment activities and parties since childhood. After a long time, problems such as excess energy, airway inflammation, and digestive system disorders are prone to occur. So you should keep good living habits. It is recommended to get up early in the morning and do some exercise. And avoid frequent visits to places with no ventilation, such as B. Karaoke bars and pubs.
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